Inblandningen av de associerade partnerna är avgörande för att öka NICHE-projektets inverkan och värde. Associerade partner kommer att erbjudas som belöning för deras engagemang och bidrag, synlighet genom alla projektaktiviteter (särskilt vid spridning), tidig tillgång till projektresultat och omnämnande i OER-plattformen.
ARRABAL-AID is a social and non-profit organization. Our mission, FROM 1992, is to work for full employment and social integration of people, especially the most vulnerable, supporting them through measures and actions to impact on the social environment. We must take good care of all people and tak...
Läs mer...The Asociación al Servicio de la Investigación y la Tecnología (ASIT) / Association for the Service of Research and Technology is a private non-profit association which designs and manages projects related to technology development and local levels since 1989. Since its foundation in 1989, ASI...
Läs mer...The Hippocrates Association in Larissa was established in June 2015 and, among other interests, it aims at the research, study and publicity of Hippocrates work, as well as the emergence of the Hippocratic idea as part of the identity of Larissa. Hippocrates was born on the island of Kos in 460 BC....
Läs mer...Ilia Chamber of Commerce is a public body, administered by a five-member Administrative Committee, which is elected by the Administrative Council and consists of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a General Secretary and an Economic Supervisor. The Ilia Chamber of Commerce headquarters is situated i...
Läs mer...Innovalley è una rete per l’innovazione tecnologica e sociale nata per dare valore al territorio della Val di Sangro (Chieti). L’associazione Innovalley ed i suoi partner di progetto hanno dato vita alla Fondazione Innovalley che gestisce fondi e contributi da parte delle imprese e delle istitu...
Läs mer...Innovalley è una rete per l’innovazione tecnologica e sociale nata per dare valore al territorio della Val di Sangro (Chieti). L’associazione Innovalley ed i suoi partner di progetto hanno dato vita alla Fondazione Innovalley che gestisce fondi e contributi da parte delle imprese e delle istitu...
Läs mer...The Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA) was established in 2003 as a non-profit organisation based in Athens, Greece with a focus on the Mediterranean region and beyond. Its vision is a world where societies prosper in harmony with nature. MedINA is the brainchild of successful...
Läs mer...The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft is a non-profit organisation responsible for operating its exhibitions, events, publications, and more. We strive towards educating, researching and innovating, and to be active in our Strandir community. From the beginning, the aim was to conduct, and...
Läs mer...Providing the best work experiences, training courses, workshops and seminars for students and adults, Tribeka is dedicated to bring value into every aspect of training and learning mobility. As partner of schools from all over Europe it has become the best and most successful Spanish work experi...
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