
The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft / Galdrasýning á Ströndum


The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft (n.d.b) is owned by a non-profit organization called Strandagaldur. From the beginning, the aim was to conduct, and collaborate on, research about the witch-hunts in Iceland, folklore, and the heritage of Strandir. Much effort has gone into disseminating stories and facts about history and culture. The Museum hosts storytelling sessions on its social media sites, and the staff are often the authority on Icelandic sorcery and witchcraft in the media and on other occasions. Scholars and university students turn to them for assistance in finding sources. A great deal of reading material is available on their website and in the museum.

Strandagaldur has throughout the years welcomed all kinds of collaboration in Iceland and abroad. They have collaborated with writers, filmmakers and musicians, for example. Collaboration with various designers and artists has, among other things, resulted in new products that refer to Icelandic magic and are sold in the museum shop of the Magic Exhibition.



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