
Financial and forecasting models for entrepreneurs


The project innovativeness was to create an agile toolkit, capable to support investment choices, through the development of basic but fundamental competences. In drafting the proposal, partners realized that to make responsible economic, financial & investment choices, micro entrepreneurs require more understanding of finance. In boosting financial literacy amongst micro enterprises, partners were confident that this would help sustain their survival and help them stay stable on the market and foster local economies. Growth would also support further employability.
The objectives that the INVEST project were to
- create a training model addressing the main topic of the financial literacy to boost entrepreneurs capacity of undertake responsible financial choices
- create training contents adapted on the needs of the target group and available online translated in all consortium languages, free to use
- create tools, instruments needed to develop financial competences through the use of edutainment methodology
- develop the transparency and recognition tools – ECVET in order to ensure transfer of competences and transparency of learning outcomes
The main results of the project were a training model addressing the main topic of the financial literacy to boost entrepreneurs capacity of undertake responsible financial choices with training contents adapted on the needs of the target group and available online translated in all consortium languages, free to use- creation of the tools, instruments needed to develop financial competences through the use of edutainment methodology- development of the transparency and recognition tools .The support tools have been translated into the language of business more comprehensible and adequate towards the needs of European smaller businesses.


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