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GoalsClick to read  

  • Set goals: Set long, medium and short term goals

  • Management: Define priorities and form action plans

  • Follow-up: Follow-up and adapt to unforeseen changes

 Set goals

Be specificClick to read  

Person knitting

Your goals must be clear, i.e. try to avoid words like “more”, instead use specific numbers. Also set up sub targets, i.e. short- and medium-term goals to achieve on your way to your long-term goal. 

Be specific when your goals will be achieved so that you have something clear and visible to work towards. It is important to focus on what is important. 

Your goals should be challengeable, thus be inspiring which will give you energy, orientation and consensus. If goals are too hard or impossible to reach, there could be both stress and resignation. So be careful with your goals.  

Set up sub targets, i.e. short- and medium-term goals to achieve on your way to your long-term goal.​ The long-term goal is the final step, when your business is up and going. How long that will take, of course, depends on what kind of business you have started. 

A goal is not just only what you are supposed to earn or how much to sell, it is also how to work sustainable, about marketing and to create a good working environment.

Short- and medium-term goals are check-points supporting your long-term goal, for instance it could be when to introduce different aspects in your business. ​

All the goals should complement the others, short- and medium-term goals should thus support the long-term goal. Each goal; short-term, medium-term or long-term are thus important. One way to keep your spirits up is to think through and write down what will happen when each goal is achieved. 

FrameworkClick to read  

Your goals should be measurable, so that in an easy way you can see when you have achieved each and every goal. Make sure that everyone in the business understands all the goals. 

Decide who will be responsible for each task. As far as possible try to let people with the best competence and interest in the area be the one responsible. 

What competences are you in need of?​​

Create a network of people with the competences you need. First look within your business. Are there already people within your organization that have these competences? If not, whom do either one of you have in your circle of acquaintances? ​​

Make a list of everyone that could be possible partners in your network. ​​
Contact everyone​​
Build a digital network
Be RealisticClick to read  

Set goals that are achievable. Try to predict any possible obstacles to prevent you from achieving your goals and how to concur them.

Set goals that are achievable. 

Try to predict any possible obstacles to prevent you from achieving your goals and how to concur them.

The goals should be challenging, inspiring and realistic.

Goals will make things happen.  Nevertheless, if one experiences the goals too unachievable it risks hindering the progress. These type of goals could create both stress and resignation.

That is why the short- and medium-term goals are important as well because they will help to keep you inspired and focused, so that you can reach your long-term goals.

Management & Follow-Up

Define priorities and action plans Click to read  

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Together make an action plan -  discuss, note, keep focus and question. If something new turns up – add it to the list immediately. Set time-limits. Predict and decide how much time each task be given.

Look it through. What is most important to do? What could be saved for later? Priorities and question. There will always be much more you could do. But what is most urgent? 

Now make a schedule, when to do what, i.e. in which order you will implement each task.

To make schedules there are different tools on the Internet that you can use to structure in a good way, e.g. Gantt. A Gantt  chart is a tool that can help you define, prioritise and plan your actions. It is  a graphic illistration of how planned activities are timely structured.  

It is of great importance that you stick to the plan.

Adapt to unforeseen changesClick to read  

EVALUATE continually

When planning time also plan when to evaluate, maybe in the middle of each task. 

To make this easy, be sure that each and everyone documents thoroughly during the process and saves all information. Make this a routine. This routine is necessary:

To get current information
To see what has happened

That will give you a chance to adapt to any unforeseen changes and make necessary reconstructions.

ToolsClick to read  

There are many different tools on the Internet which could help you structure the implementation of your business

SMART: Specific Measurable Achivable Relevant and Time bound = SMART is a tool for setting goals.

GANTT is a type of chart where you can structure your activities in time

SWOTStrengths Weaknesses  Opportunities and Threats = SWOT is a tool you could use to find the above on different levels in your organization.


Summing up

Summing upClick to read  

Test Yourself!

Related Case Studies:

- Junior Achievement Sweden


Set long-, medium- and short-term goals. Define priorities and form action plans. Follow-up and adapt to unforseen changes.s


Set goals, framework, net-work, management, evaluate, reconstruct


Set goals, management and follow-up


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