NICHE gives concrete answers to the need of defining a precise skill-set for people involved in Intangible Cultural Heritage. The lack of tailored training in this field is underlined by the EU Commission Report of June 2019 “Fostering Cooperation in the EU on Skills, Training & Knowledge Transfer in Cultural Heritage Professions”: the study reveals the urgent need to consider how best to enhance, promote and protect the traditional, technical and expert or specialised skills of professionals in EU cultural heritage.
NICHE will develop innovative training resources, courses and operational tools to overcome the lack of training for professionals involved in ICH. In particular, in IO2 partners will:
IO2 is highly innovative as it involves the benchmarking against occupational competencies and qualification frameworks of the aptitudes and skills of an already existing working category which is not yet well defined in terms of role and skills. NICHE is aimed at “Professionals” in lead positions, temporary or more permanent, and workers at various levels in ICH. IO2 will identify the current state of play with efficient, measurable and strategic research systems and methods (existing jobs, profiles, education curricula programs, etc.).
The immediate impact of IO2 is its pivotal role to implement IO3 and develop innovative, practical and relevant training for the target groups. IO2 is instrumental to provide crucial information about content, structure, delivery means, etc. based on the specific needs of the target groups. In addition to this “internal impact”, IO2 helps influence the overall “Intangible Cultural Heritage ecosystem” composed of important stakeholders (NGOs, associations, promotion agencies, public sector, VET and AE providers, etc.). IO2 will better inform those stakeholders of the real situation.
IO2 has considerable potential for transferability of the methodology and tools that will be developed by partners. The tools and methodology used to produce IO2 can be used during and after the project by stakeholders (identified above) and by partners as a monitoring tool. Also the tools and resources behind IO2 will be transferred via the NICHE OER Platform.